Steel Erection Hazards and How we Deal with it
Steel Erection Hazards and How we Deal with it The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared that steel erection as one of the 10 most dangerous jobs in the US and has implemented regulations to improve worker safety. Due to the hazardous nature of the profession, steel erectors must be properly trained by veterans in the field. Such Hazards include but not only limited to: Falling from heightsBlunt Trauma from Heavy Steel ObjectsStructural CollapsePhysical issues from overhandling of Heavy loadMismanagement of Structural Design Due to the above issues, we as a company prioritize safety when it comes to the steel erection process for metal buildings.As such, Reliable Steel Erectors follows safety protocols well used by our experts in steel erection, and the proper training facilitated by the professionals working within the company. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn